Tuesday 2 December 2014

India trailblazes in guidelines for TB outside lungs TNN

NEW DELHI: India has become the first country to initiate the process of formulating standardized clinical guidelines for managing extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). A total of 47 medical specialists, including top doctors from AIIMS, held the first meeting on Thursday to brainstorm on the key symptoms, tests for early diagnosis and most suitable treatment regimen for the TB that occurs outside lungs.

Doctors say it accounts for nearly 40% of all TB cases but most remain undiagnosed till they turn critical.

According to medical experts, there are no specific guidelines by any nation in the world to diagnose the tuberculosis outside the lungs. "Tuberculosis affects all organs of the human body, and managing it requires good clinical judgement and investigation services. This process of getting clinical guidelines is the first step towards providing high quality TB management services to the large number of people who have TB outside their lungs," said Dr S K Sharma, head of the medicine department at AIIMS and professor-in-charge of its newly established Center of Excellence for Managing Extra-Pulmonary TB.

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