Thursday 2 April 2015

Have you ever thought ,a small story changes the life of a person

Have you ever thought ,a small story changes the life of a person. I have thought the same , it was not possible . but there are some persons, who changed their life, by listening to a small story.
i want to talk a person  ,who was one among them.A guy born in a small village .their parents are very poor,
their family eats only one time in a day, the boy had went to school for his primary study.
but he dropped  from the school   in his  primary stage only.he was working in a mechanic shop where the owner afford him food .he has to do the work for that  food. sometimes persons coming for car service will give him some money.the day his future changed is a madam was coming  to a car service.
the madam is a professor. she was interested in studying books . she has given her car to car service  and she was reading a book beside a  tree. the boy came there and afforded her a chair then she was probing about the boy. the boy was telling about his details . when the madam is coming for car servicing,she used to talk to that boy, one day she has given  some stories books to that boy. it takes me lot of time to read  . can u explain me in your leisure time . but i don't when u will  free , u are in working in all time .then he said madam i  had no work at 4-pm then madam usually come on Saturday  . tell him a story after  some days the madam has kept a driver for his busy work.after some years the chauffeur of the madam went for servicing to new shop .then the boy asks about the  madam , then chauffeur surprised and on going home he tell to that madam some guy of at car servicing asked ,he usually ask when car goes to his garage , then madam was surprised who is that one,at one day she went their and she was not recognizing that boy ,after some time she came to know he was the boy who he teaches stories at that time.then the boy told because of you only mam i was having my own shop.i did'nt tell u any thing how can it mine, its yours hard work ,no mam because of your story only i had motivated and completed my secondary graduation, and i was in this position.which story inspired you that much,

story :

there was a desert and there  are several persons living their,the elders at after the children grow up from here 40 km there was a town there was a very beautiful life, if you also take some stones with you  then you can make some money by that stones.then two persons decide to go from their place 
in the mean while the had taken all the food for to go there, they had eaten up in the middle,after some time they came to know they travel led only 10 km,then one boy refused to go, further the other boy thought we have obey with elders, in mean while he had taken some stones at last he reached the that town ,he recognized there was nothing so he decided to go his village,but he thought it was waste of time coming here so, he decided that before going he want to see what are that stones ,he was surprised  to see diamonds in that at last he got his work.


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