Thursday 4 December 2014


NEW DELHI: Apple has been granted a patent to minimize the damage on an iPhone or iPad in case of an inadvertent fall, also protecting screen from cracking in the process.

As per the patent granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Apple has devised a system wherein a device can automatically re-orient itself by changing the angle of its eventual impact with the ground.

Apple's patent filing describes a device "comprising of a motion sensor and a processor that detects when the electronic device is in freefall based on information from the motion sensor." It also claims that the processor will be able to "alter the centre of mass of the electronic device by moving the mass in the protective mechanism in response to detecting the freefall of the electronic device."

Basically, it means that if an iPhone slipped from the hand and was about to fall flat on its screen, with the risk of a crack, the device would be able to change its orientation mid-fall, such that it drops on its side or the back.

This technology may be implemented in upcoming models as it is widely regarded that Apple is looking a way to avoid cracking the screen of iPhones and iPads when they fall. It was rumoured that the company is looking to put sapphire screen on iPhones, but that plan has seemingly died with the bankruptcy of GT Advanced.

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